Tuesday 22 September 2015

Spy Kids Extract Homework

In this extract gender are presented differently as they are commonly represented in other films and extracts as the woman is depicted as the protagonist which goes against the traditional views that men should do the important jobs. There is a classic romance however between the man and the women in this extract. Even though that the main protagonist is a women the women still holds stereotypical qualities of a woman for example Ingrid is a white American female which is common in movies. The counter typical qualities that Ingrid portrays are that she is a spy which is not common as in most spy movies a man normally plays the spy role e.g. James Bond. The second main counter stereotype that Ingrid hold is that she is a good fighter. This is against the stereotype as normally women are helpless in combat and men normally carry out the heroic moves to win the fight. The other protagonist is Gregorio who is a foreign Latino agent.

Race and Nationality 
Race and nationality is also counter-stereo-typically portrayed in this film extract. Ingrid is a white American women which is common in movies however Gregorio is a Latino which counters the stereotype of heroes and spies in movies. In movies the protagonists are normally white American's and the Latino's are commonly the enemy of the protagonists. 

Love and Romance
The story line of this extract is how two spies who were originally against each other fell deeply in love. The story starts with the daughter of the two spies asking how her mum had met her husband. The fact that the two spies hated each other before falling in love is not a counter stereotype as this occurs in several movies. The spies end up getting married and the story starts to become romantic and happy as marriage should be, before the wedding is crashed by enemies and the spies have to jump of a cliff to escape.

The spies in this extract are stereotypical spies as they possess many different high-tech gadgets which help them get information from people e.g. bubblegum which tracks the footsteps of the other spy. The only counter-stereotype that the two spies posses is that one is a woman and the other is a Latino.

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