Friday 19 September 2014

Austin Powers

Today we watched the Austin Powers, played as Tom Cruise, advertisement. HERE. One convention used was jeopardy. This is shown as Austin Powers is shown jumping in the air shooting at the helicopter, not knowing whether he's gonna land safely or not. Once he does land we do not know what he is going to do next. Adding to that the viewers are curious on why Austin Powers was shooting at the helicopter. As well as that the audience do not know who the person on the motorbike. The camera starts out at the feet of the woman and slowly up to her face (so we can focus on her body) which is used to tell us that she is there because of her good looks and not because of her highly intellectual spy knowledge. Her first words label her as a 'very sexy mum of one', which surprised me because I wouldn't expect a mum to come out and say she's sexy to a stranger. 
This picture shows Austin Powers in his 'Shaguar' about to shoot at the villain in the helicopter

1 comment:

  1. This is a good standard for someone starting out in textual analysis as you have tried to identify camera movements (tilt pan) and their effects (focus on the body). You also start to show knowledge of genre conventions (jeopardy) and understanding (to create tension).
    To improve: identify MORE THAN ONE Action Adventure convention. Identify typical Action Adventure characters in the extract. Always look at the class blog for guidance!
    Grade C/B
