Wednesday 10 September 2014

James Bond Review

Today in our first lesson of media we analysed an advert in which Coca Cola meets James Bond. The colours used were Red and Black which symbolises the Coca Cola colours. They also represent danger and jeopardy.
   Women in the advert are in the shape of the Coca Cola bottle, very curvy. Coca Cola has links to Cocoa which is a very curvy fruit in which Coca Cola shaped their bottle around.
   Men in the advert are shown as if you drink Coca Cola then you will get all the girls. Also if you drink Coca Cola then your 'world' is very good and happy.
    To link Coca Cola and James Bond the advert creators and most likely people from Coca Cola used fast cars, in which one car is chasing another. The cars used are extremely expensive, good looking and fast. To enhance the fast car chase another technique was used which was a slopey landscape which gives you the effect that it has been a very fast and spinning chase.

1 comment:

  1. Much that is good here: you identify a selection of camera angles (such as canted), genre conventions (jeopardy of fast cars and chase sequence; women), Coca Cola brand messages (red brand colour).
    To reach higher level marks, write in more detail.
    Grade B/C
